Sermon Archive
Current Series
Questions Jesus Asked
Jesus was a great at asking questions. With every question Jesus asked he gave the listeners an invitation to deeper exploration into themselves, into God, and into their neighbors.
Sermon on the Mount
Join us as we journey through Jesus' sermon on the Mount. ​
The letter to the Ephesian church is an encouragement to live as a community 'in Christ.' Join us as we look at this letter and what it means for us to be 'in Christ'.
Eating with Jesus
It was said that more often than not, Jesus was on his way to or from a meal. Join us as we look at three meals with Jesus and what he teaches his disciples.​
On Mission
"We seek to love like Jesus so through Him lives are transformed." We journey through the life of Jesus as we seek to live out our purpose statement. ​
Acts: to the ends of the earth
What is the church? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the church? Join us as we walk through the book of Acts and discover God's intention for his mission here on earth through the church.
In God We Trust
Join us as we explore tithing in the Bible. We will explore the why, what and how much we should tithe.
Songs of Advent
Join us as we explore the songs of Jesus' birth as told through the Gospel of Luke.
Guest Preachers
The seven "I am's" of Jesus
In this series we explore the seven I AM statements of Jesus. We ask our selves, because Jesus i.... I am____.
In this series we look at live in Christ. How are we to live in this world and navigate our day to day lives as we choose to live in Christ.
In this series we follow the Immerse book called Poets. You can find out more here: https://www.immersebible.com/